PhAMAS PhOTOSMay 2022: PhAMAS at the PhILLIES December 2021: Holiday Party ...
February 2020: New Frontiers of Data Analysis
September 2019: Back to School - Perspectives on Higher Education
April 2018: Cybersecurity Risks for the Municipal Sector
July 2017: Trump's Impact on Muni Market
May 2017: David Skeel of UPenn Law, member of the Puerto Rico Oversight Board
January 2017: Municipal Market Outlook
December 2016: Detroit Resurrected: To Bankruptcy and Back
April 2016: From Volume to Value, Healthcare
December 2015: Holiday Party with Terry Smith as keynote speaker October 2015: Politics and Public Opinion in PA
October 2015: The Municipal Information Age: New Media in the Municipal Bond Market
July 2015: What are the Newest Perspectives on Puerto Rico Bond Investing?
April 2015: US Public Pensions: Past Promises, Today's Credit Challenge by Moody's Investors Service